Version 7.57 December, 1992 INFORMATION Evaluation- BBS version Home and Business Legal Guide and Forms generator Portions Copyright 1991 Byron, Clary and Kraft Copyright 1992, Byron, Clary and Kraft Thanks for taking a look at our program. We feel that this program is the premier legal forms generator available whether commercial or shareware-- over 235 different forms can be generated. Of course, we are much more than a document generator. We also have tutorials and full text, with annotations of statutes and regulations. *************************************************************** THE HOME AND BUSINESS LEGAL GUIDE AND FORMS GENERATOR was recognized as the second most popular shareware program in the country by Shareware Magazine, March/April 1991. (See also PC Sources Magazine, page 54, April, 1991). Thanks for the vote of confidence! We will continue to work on improving this program and its data. And more top ten honors have appeared in Computer Reseller News, and other issues of PC Sources and Shareware Magazine And---- since we wrote these words (in June, 1991) we have had many other top ten honors. Three of the top five shareware distributors (sales size) have us in their top ten lists for the entire year of 1991. And again in 1992 many distributors report us as a continuing best seller. THANKS!!! We hope that in future postings of our software we'll have won more awards! *************************************************************** SUPPORT BEFORE YOU REGISTER: If you have questions or comments about the Home and Business Legal Guide, that aren't covered in our manual (it's in this archive-- please call Primary Support BBS-- Thanks to Webb Blackmon of the Blue Ridge Express, Richmond, Virgina. We have our own sub-board on Webb's fine, 36 line and growing system: 2400 baud 1-804-790-1675 9600 baud/V32/bis 1-804-790-9600 9600 baud/V42/bis 1-804-790-1126 You can also call our single line BBS (9600 v32/v32 bis) 1-904-656-2263 Voice 904-877-7139 (24 hours daily) Fax 904-656-6495 What does the program do? You really receive 4 programs in one. The first, is a educational program to read, review and learn your legal rights by reviewing, on screen, the FULL annotated text of laws and governmental regulations. The annotations, prepared by an attorney, carefully point the out the parts of the statute that are very important for your legal rights. NEW: Registered users receive an audio cassette which has been produced by professional announcers, studio engineers, etc/, explaining how to use the program for greatest productivity and going over proven legal self-defense methods tested by attorneys. LEGAL FORMS: The program features an artificial intelligence document generation program that prepares the following legal forms. In many instances each form has several different variations that you program by answering on screen questions. At this time the program can generate over 226 different forms, drawn from over 193 categories. (A complete list is contained in the manual) NEW: We have additional, bonus forms for our registered users! TUTORIALS This program also features tutorials, which are instructional texts that explain the nuts and bolts of various legal problems in an easy to understand way. In addition, the tutorials feature an on-line dictionary and the ability to examine both full text of the laws and the explanation on screen. WORD PROCESSOR A recent addition is an on-line word processor which you can use to alter forms once completed. Features of all programs: An on line note pad, and on line help. We also have a DOS shell which allows you to perform system functions or run other program without exiting this Legal guide. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT CRIPPLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The disk and files which you have RUN identically to the registered version of the Home and Business Legal Guide, (however the registration encouragement screen and information is disabled in the registered version) but do not have all of the legal data and forms of the registered version. Where are all the forms? That's a good question. The entire program takes approximately 3 megabytes, and archived requires about 1 meg when archived. That's a lot of data. Many bulletin board services limit access to 45 minutes daily. At 2400 baud you couldn't download the program in the allotted time. Therefore, we couldn't get the word out about our program. To have an evaluation copy of reasonable size, we have left out some of the data. Shareware is a great way to distribute software, and the "try before you buy" idea is tremendous. If you want to try the full package before registering, check with a disk vendor and our support BBS. Member boards of the Shareware Distribution Network should have all of the data as well as our own board and many selected systems around the USA. Another way to see the whole thing is to visit your local shareware distributor. To summarize, although you do not have all of the data you do have ALL of the features of the program. THE REGISTERED VERSION OF THE PROGRAM DISABLES THE OPENING SCREEN AND REGISTRATION ENCOURAGEMENT INFORMATION. The program requires an IBM compatible PC, XT, AT, 386 or 486 system running DOS 3.3 or higher with at least 448 K free memory with a hard drive (fixed disk). NO GRAPHICS CAPABILITY IS REQUIRED, but a graphics adapter is recommended. A modem and a printer are recommended. For directions on use of the program please see the quick start manual then please review the full manual. To print the manuals, be sure that your printer is on line, has ribbons and paper and enter from a DOS prompt "pguide." Why should you take our legal advice? The attorney who wrote the legal information and forms is Herb Kraft. Herb is the host of the Radio Law Firm, a nationally syndicated radio legal program. WARNING: DO NOT RELY ON OUTDATED INFORMATION. LAWS CHANGE CONSTANTLY. THEREFORE, WE PROVIDE REGULAR UPDATES WARNING OF ALL CHANGES TO THE LAW TO OUR REGISTERED USERS-- CHANGES CAN EFFECT THE STATUTES, TUTORIALS OR FORMS. THIS FREELY DISTRIBUTED VERSION OF THE PROGRAM CONTAINED DATA CORRECT FOR DECEMBER, 1992. THE DATA MAY BE OUTDATED AT ANY TIME. You may review this program for as long as you wish. For those needing guidelines, if you are using the program for more than 30 days it is time to think about registering. We don't put artificial limits on your review. Shareware is marketing via TRUST! If you desire to become a registered user, the fee is $ 59. You may also register by fax or by mail: fax 904-656-6495 mail: R FRINGE SOFTWARE P.O. Box 37155 Tallahassee, Florida 32315 The forms generator includes a form for registration. ABOUT SHAREWARE (The following is courtesy of Paul Mayer, although we have added some comments; we don't claim copyright to Mr. Mayer's writings) Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. (Our policy is listed above) Individual programs differ on details-- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software. either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. (Our policy allows persons or user groups to freely distribute the shareware version of the program. Commercial disk vendors must contact us first.) Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware systems makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee-- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. DISCLAIMER- AGREEMENT Please see our warranty disclaimer in the full manual. The Home and Business Legal Guide and Forms Generator is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but you may not give it away altered as or as a part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentives for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using this program and continue to use it after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration fee payment of $ 59 to R FRINGE COMPUTER SOFTWARE. The $ 59 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at one time. VENDORS, USER GROUPS: Please see the file "vendor.txt" for more information. You are encouraged to pass a copy of this program or to upload it to your favorite BBS for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive the benefits stated above. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS DISK OR TO UPLOAD THESE FILES TO BBS SYSTEMS. IN EITHER CASE YOU MUST SHARE ALL OF THE FILES. DO NOT RENAME THE ARCHIVE!!! USE THE NAME GUIDE757.ZIP (If you use LHA or ARJ or whatever, call it GUIDE757.XXX, with "XXX" being the archive's extension.)